Sunday, February 20, 2011

So of course I had an extremely stressful journey to get to Korea. My flight from Boston to LA was delayed for technical problems (always reassuring) and then further delayed due to wind. Upon arrival it took almost 40 min to get to the international terminal because apparently the LA traffic reaches all the way to the airport. I made my flight just as it was boarding....tearing up at security at the thought of missing my flight to Korea seemed an effective tool to skip to the front of the line. The flight was uneventful but of course only one of my bags made it through! Luckily it arrived today so I have all my shoes, thank god.
Today was our first day of training, mostly consisting of tests. For all of you worried, I passed ALL of them with flying colors. I just came back from my first delicious meal with about 15 other people. Amazing food but there is nothing I hate more than going out to eat with huge groups of people but since I need to make some friends I guess I shouldn't complain. We have been warned that the training week is quite stressful so I don't think I will get to experience too much of Seoul now but I am sure that I will be back later.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Since I will be heading to Korea in a few short days for a whole year I figured a blog would be the best way to keep you all updated on my adventures. Ideally I will keep this updated with photos and various amusing anecdotes. Basic overview of my activities for the next year: I will be living and teaching in Busan. I haven't been assigned an age group but I believe they will be either in middle school or high school. The company I will be working for provides me with an apartment which should be exciting as I have never lived alone. But don't worry, I wont get lonely as my friend, Danielle, will be living in the same building and working in the same branch. 

Until Friday the focus is packing... I have fully taken over Aaron's room as the staging area as you can see:

I probably don't have enough shoes but what can you do.