Monday, February 14, 2011


Since I will be heading to Korea in a few short days for a whole year I figured a blog would be the best way to keep you all updated on my adventures. Ideally I will keep this updated with photos and various amusing anecdotes. Basic overview of my activities for the next year: I will be living and teaching in Busan. I haven't been assigned an age group but I believe they will be either in middle school or high school. The company I will be working for provides me with an apartment which should be exciting as I have never lived alone. But don't worry, I wont get lonely as my friend, Danielle, will be living in the same building and working in the same branch. 

Until Friday the focus is packing... I have fully taken over Aaron's room as the staging area as you can see:

I probably don't have enough shoes but what can you do.

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