Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So last week it was in the 90s and now it is in the 60s and 50s. Apparently it is now fall. Almost done with the first month of the term. Classes are going well, I like my students and the classes I am teaching this term a lot more than last term which is nice. Everything else is pretty much the same as always, no new excitement. I did have an extremely vivid dream last night of being in a restaurant in New York eating an amazing meal with my lovely aunt Sue which tells me several things: first, I have awesome dreams about food, second I clearly miss New York and Sue and should probably get back for some delicious food.
Yesterday one of my students informed me that he had a sore throat. When I asked him what he would like to do about it he simply replied, "I will endure". Wise words, especially because I woke up this morning with a horrible sore throat. I guess I will just have to endure.

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