Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Huge Appartment No Furtniture

So I have officially moved into my apartment in Busan! I finished training Friday afternoon (passed with flying colors I'm sure) and got to my apartment around 11 pm. Its pretty exciting having my own apartment and knowing that I will be in it for a whole year! There is a pretty tiny kitchen (but I don't think I will be doing too much cooking as the food here is super cheap and delicious), a quite large and very empty main room that has huge floor to ceiling windows looking out on downtown Busan. I am on the 15th floor so its a pretty awesome view. My bed is in a little loft above the kitchen/main room. Its only about 4 feet tall so getting dressed is a bit of a challenge and I have hit my head about a million times. Definitely find that I am a little too big for Korea at times!
My new boss Jen has been amazing! She has done a ton to make Danielle and I at home hear. Not the least of which was taking us out with her friends of Saturday until way too late! We finished our night at a noriban (cant spell anything in Korean but you guys can't speak Korean so I don't think it matters what I write). Anyway, noriban is pretty much just Kareoke in a private room. Pretty funny stuff. There seem to be tons of Americans, or at least English speaking people here. Most of them are doing the teaching thing I believe. Needless to say I think Danielle and I have a good chance of finding a few friends.
I started work on Monday and have successfully completed three days of classes. I teach two 3 hour long classes each day starting at 4 and ending at 10. Its a pretty long day, especially because I have had to come in early to prep and make sure I know what I am doing (I don't). One minor issue that I am dealing with (besides having to teach children how to speak and spell, something I usually can't do myself) is figuring out an eating schedule. We only have a ten minute break between classes and trust me that is not enough time to consume a satisfying meal. My goal is to find some delicious (and nutrisious of course) snacks that will keep me going until I get back to my apartment and my huge glass of red wine.
Besides the food issue there is of course the teaching issue. It really hasn't turned out to be as hard as I expected. The classes go by shockingly fast- probably because I have a million things to do and am in a blackout panic most of the time. But its actually pretty fun, though my feet and back hurt at the end. Most of the kids are really cute once I am able to get them to stop staring at me in fear and actually talk to me. There is one girl that I literally cannot get to open her mouth (so far she is not my favorite). One of my older students, upon hearing that I went to school in New York City, asked me if I had ever heard of Parsons School of Design and then went on to tell me who her favorite designers where: top of the list was Alexander McQueen who I definitely did not know about when I was 14! The week is pretty long and its strange to think that I will be doing it for 5 days every week for a year!
The food here is also amazing. There are these little restaurants all over the place (I think they are called Orange something) and they have awesome food that costs about $4 for a huge meal!
I have yet to get internet in my apartment but as soon as I do I have some fabulous pictures to show you all of my apartment and even more importantly of the GIANT bags of cereal that they sell here. They are amazing and should really be introduced in America. The only negative so far is that it seems all this stress and excitement has made me sick. Pretty big bummer but I will hopefully get over it soon! All in all Korea has been great and I am looking forward to my year here!

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