Saturday, May 14, 2011

World DJ Fest

So last weekends adventure to Seoul was quite successful and quite tiring. We left Busan at 10 and got to Seoul about 2.5 hours later. After a quick lunch of some delicious mexican we began our subway journey out to the festival. It took about an hour and the train was pretty crowded so we had to stand for most of the time. Next we had a 15 min walk to the festival. We had been concerned about being cold as we were not camping so we had brought a fair amount of clothing with us which was super heavy and annoying to carry and were regretting this at first but after the sun went down we were definitely glad to have lots of warm clothes. The festival was great, probably the best people watching ever- the Koreans really go all out. Music was pretty good though of course we didn't know any of the groups. It was definitely hard to stay up all night after a long day of traveling and we ended up taking a "nap" in the back of one of the music tents with about 100 other people while the music was still blasting. At around 3 am we decided to head back to the subway as we were cold and uncomfortable. At the subway we had to wait until about 6 for the trains to start and then ride the train cram full of smell and dirty people for an hour. When we got back to Seoul station we were able to get an earlier train and made it back to our apartments by noon. It was definitely exhausting but really nice to get out of Busan for a weekend and be around some live music!

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