Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I've been washing my closes with fabric softener for the last 2.5 months

So it turns out that my deadly "illness" was in fact caused my the Yellow Dust sweeping in from the Gobi desert and picking up all of China's pollution and then logging itself in my throat and lungs all night while I sleep with my window wide open. It started with a soar throat and progressed to a hacking coach and for the past three days I have sounded like a 90 year old smoker with a pack a day habit. Anyway, it seems to be clearing up now. I am also the only person I have encountered with such a severe reaction (both Koreans and foreigners) but at least I can blame it on years of a severe respiratory disease so I don't feel so bad (if you don't know that I am refering to asthma you FAIL).
Now that my lungs and throat seem to be healing it seemed the perfect time for a quick 24 hour getaway with Danielle to Seoul. We will be attending the final night (of two) of the World DJ Fest. It pretty much seems like a rave but without drugs since they don't have those here (should be interesting to see as I have heard that drugs are pretty key components to raves). Danielle and I opted not to get camping as we figured that since the music doesn't end till about 6 am we should just stay up all night. I figure a night in some bracing cold air along with some shouting and drinking would do my throat wonders. Anyway I am looking forward to our trip as it will be a nice break from work.
In other news (besides the fact that I have been washing my closes in fabric softener- they are very soft and smell very good much not the cleanest) one of the worst part of teaching in a small classroom for 6 hours a day is that it turns out kids kinda stink. I don't notice it until I leave my room and then come back but it is always hot and smelly (and this is everybody's rooms not just mine). Summer should be really pleasant. A highlight of work though is that I get to write on a white board all the time and I am getting quite good at it. I was always so impressed by teachers that could write really well on white boards.

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