Friday, December 9, 2011

"My family owns a slave teacher"! and other rediculous things my students say

So here are some anecdotes from this past week:
When beginning or discussion on modern slavery (we have the best topics) Klaus informed the class that his family had a slave. I don't think I was ever quite able to convince him that even though he had never seen this individual get paid, that he was not in fact a slave. This student has lived for more than a year in California and definitely understood the meaning of slavery but I guess not how widely inappropriate it is to say that you own a slave.
During another class discussion about why it would be good to study abroad we came up with the reasons of learning a new language, understand a new culture and meet new people. Jenny, who is a bit of a bitch, asked me why it was good to meet new people. I would have liked to ask her why she thought I was in Korea if not for those three reasons because it is certainly not so I can spend my free time answering dumb questions from grumpy middle schoolers.

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