Monday, March 5, 2012


So within a week of travel I have gotten myself quite sunburned but thats to be expected. Other than getting sunburned Danielle and I have been keeping fairly busy and are currently in the mountain town of Dalat. Its quite a bit cooler here than Ho Chi Minh which is nice. Dalat is very beautiful and is based around a lake which we walked around while I got very sunburned. Dalat is known for its vegetables, flowers and coffee. The markets here are amazing with so much fresh food and flowers. It seems to be artichoke season as there are tons of those being sold. Our first night we had a hot pot of artichoke and pork which was pretty delish. The food here has been pretty awesome and super cheap.
Yesterday we took a motorbike tour of the surrounding area. We saw a couple of pagodas which were both very Chinese in design, very different from the ones in Korea (I like the Korea ones better). We also stopped by a huge flower farm which was beautiful as well as a coffee farm. The coffee here is super strong and delicious. We had an awesome lunch of pho with our guides and learned a little about them. One was telling us that his father was given pilot training in Texas during the war but was killed in 1968. The other was a veteran of the war, though I am not sure which side he was on. We have decided to take a 3 day trip with them which will take us through the mountains to see some of the native tribes and then across the country along the ho chi minh trail and down to nha trang  where we will sit on the beach for a few days. It should be a pretty interesting trip. I guess the younger of the two guides  will tell us all about the mountain tribes and the older of the two will tell us about the Ho Chi Minh trail. It will be pretty interesting to learn about the war from him though I am sure I will be too awkward to ask too many personal questions.
Also, just like in Korea there are some super cute babies here and they are all very quiet (which is how I like babies).
It seems that I can't get on facebook here....probably because of the commies so communication will be restricted to email.

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