Sunday, June 24, 2012

Longest Drive Ever

So travel in Kashmir only consists of jeeps or buses because the terrain is so crazy. Yesterday we took a jeep from Srinigar to Leh in Ledakh and it was both amazing and horrible. Pretty much there are seven people total in the jeep which is quite cozy, yesterday I was next to a man that was way too large for the car and kept squishing me. Anyway the entire drive has the most amazing scenery. First we drove through huge mountains all covered with snow and ice. In some parts the road was perfectly paved and in other places water would be washing away the gravel road form melting snow. We were driving along a rive that was just rushing with what looked like freezing water. I can imagine it would be quite exciting for someone to raft or kayak down. Not so much for me but it was exciting to look at. As we kept driving we left the crazy snow covered mountains behind and the mountains began to all be tan and just massive piles of rocks, it looked kinda like Colorado or somewhere out west? So pretty much the whole time you are driving you are just staring out the window looking at the most amazing scenery ever but also being bounced all around and super uncomfortable. Sleeping is pretty much impossible. Yesterdays trip was maybe about 400 km but it took us about 16 hours. It was pretty cool to drive through the tiny villages all along the road. In some places it was freezing cold and I can't even imagine how hard life would be there. While driving we would stop every couple of hours for a chai break which is always delicious and a good chance to stretch broken limbs. When we leave Leh in a few days the trip down to Manali will be a total of about 25 hours of driving...we will probably break that into two days if its not too expensive but it should be pretty intense.

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