Friday, June 1, 2012

Two Glasses of Lemonade!

So Danielle and I are currently on a "tour" or Rajasthan which pretty much just means that we have a driver between all the cities and our hotels are all booked for us. Conveniently there are two British girls doing the same thing so we have some other people to hang out with (its low season so there aren't a lot of other tourists to befriend). Anyhoo, we've all seen Lawrence of Arabia right? Good, I'm glad I am writing to such a sophisticated audience. Well two nights ago I got to live out all of my Lawrence of Arabia fantasies on a camel safari in the desert of Jaiselmer (I have no Lawrence of Arabia fantasies that movie makes the desert look horrible). We spent one afternoon riding camels and a night in the desert. First of all, camels are amazing. They are both super cute and super weird looking. They have big eyes with really long eyelashes and they always look very relaxed. On the other hand, their lips are super stretchy and they stretch them about a lot in weird faces. Their feet are crazy- they look like slippers and kinda smoosh down with each step. Getting on and off is the most exciting as they get up in stages, first the back almost dumping your forward, then the front. Riding them is pretty uneventful as people were leading them and all around us was just sand so all I thought about was Lawrence and him ordering lemonade after crossing that crazy desert. It was funny at first but after two hours when my water had run out it got less and less funny. We watched the sunrise from a dune and then were sent back to the base for dinner. After dinner we were put in carts drawn by the camels and taken out to the desert to sleep. When we went to sleep the moon was super bright so we couldn't see too many stars but it was beautiful. When I woke up in the middle of the night the moon had gone down and the stars were amazing. While no stars are better than Vermont stars these were some of the brightest I have ever seen. The next morning we watched the sunrise and then rode back for breakfast.

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