Saturday, April 30, 2011

Finally finished my worst week so far and couldn't be happier. A combination of lots of stress at work and being a bit sick made this week really hard. On Tuesday parents were invited to visit observe one of my classes and a lot of pressure was put on all of us to impress the parents as they are generally responsible for spreading the word about CDI. It was definitely pretty nerve racking as I have never had that kind of experience before but it actually went fairly well, though unfortunately I haven't gotten any feedback from either of my bosses so that is just my opinion. I have found the lack of really constructive feedback and positive re-enforcement from superiors a little discouraging. In my performance review I was told that my greatest weakness was with the younger kids and that I needed to be more goofy and fun. I pretty much knew all this and was hoping from some suggestions or ideas of how to go about this because its just not really my personality to be goofy but I obviously want the kids to have fun and enjoy my classes. I feel that I have been doing a good job of working on this but haven't heard much from either of my superiors about it. I was talking with a co-worker last night about this issue and he has had the same experience since his time at this branch. Our head instructor, Jen, is really amazing and we are really lucky to have her because she really thinks of us and tries to make our experience the best it can be but it would be really nice to get more feedback, suggestions and encouragement that we are doing a good job and she sees improvements we have made. It is pretty clear that for the Korean staff this is purely a business and that results in a little bit of disregard for us as teacher. We pretty much aren't allowed sick days (I am terrified for when I eventually get actually sick and still have to teach for six hours a day), and only get five days of vacation. While there seems to be a lack of positive encouragement there is the constant stress that both Jen and the head of our branch are constantly watching our CCTV and making judgments on every class we teach. I think knowing that I am always been watched limits my willingness to experiment or be goofy as it makes me uncomfortable and self-conscious.
I think both Danielle and I are at the point where we are struggling a bit to adjust to such a full time job where so much is expected of us and the honeymoon period is ending. We are almost to the end of our first term and I am confident that the next term will be much easier as we will have an opportunity to start fresh and not make some of the same mistakes again and we will be more confident. This has just been a discouraging week with lots of rain, tons of meetings at work (on Thursday I was in a meeting for three hours which was immediately followed by 6 hours of teaching) and feeling sick. Next week should definitely be better as the students are all taking their achievement tests to determine what level they will be in next term so we don't have much to do. Next Saturday Danielle and I are going to go to Seoul for the night- sadly since we work every Friday till 10 there wont ever really be an opportunity for long weekend trips. I think it will be a good break and it will be nice to see Seoul. It was inevitable that a week like this would happen, and I am sure that there will be other low points but as the first one it is definitely a bummer.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Found My Nori-Ban Song: Sweet Child of Mine

Yesterday was an extremely raining and miserable day which turned into quite a lovely evening with my coworkers. We had a staff dinner and bonding event (bowling) which I had really been dreading because its with all the Korean staff who don't really know much English. While I would have preferred to spend the whole day in the comfort of my apartment I forced myself to go teach the one class I had today (only one student showed up it was totally worthless). We had a very delicious dinner of spicy chicken and noodles (and rice of course) but I can't remember the Korean name. While the food was good there wasn't much stimulating conversation and mostly a lot of long silences at my end of the table. Things got a little more exciting when we went bowling. I haven't been bowling since about 8th grade and if I recall correctly I was much more interested in flirting with the boys than bowling. Needless to say my bowling skills are pretty bad. But we had beer and soju and had some fun. I remember our bowling alley (the lovely one next to Hollywood Hard Bodies in WRJ) having lots of greasy food and black lights at night but this was not the case with the Korean bowling alley. It was much more Big Labowski with lots of florescent lights and very serious bowlers. Koreans seem to take every activity to an extreme: they were hiking gear to walk along a perfectly flat and paved path by the river, go to the hospital at the smallest sign of a cough and wear crazy robot arm things for bowling. They all looked like the terminator. They were also much better bowlers than us but they also weren't drinking so I wont give them too much credit. Anyway bowling was entertaining and then all the Koreans went home and Danielle, our boss Jen and another coworker James enjoyed the now beautiful night by hanging out outside a convenience store. Its pretty much the best bar every: there are tables and chairs and you just have to go inside to get super cheap beer. The only minor downside is that you have to pee in an ally way but luckily all my camping (and field parties) has made me a very talented outside pee-er (I know these are the really important details that you all want to know). Anyway it was quite lovely. We each spent about $5 on this stupid game- the kind with the claw and you try to pick up stuffed animals. Turns out its extremely frustrating because it seems like it should be really easy but it is NOT. After several hours of hanging out we decided that since our plan to just have one drink was already shot we might as well go to a nori-ban (kareoke for those not following along). Anyway it was awesome as usual and I have finally set upon my song: Sweet Child of Mine by Guns n Roses. I got an 100% and totally kicked ass. I also did quite well on a duet of Summer Lovin'. I have spent pretty much all of today hanging out on my new awesome $50 couch that I just got and will be making dinner with Danielle tonight!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sweaty Foreigners

Danielle and I have recently joined a hot yoga studio that has locations throughout Busan. Its been great to do something physical as I have pretty much kept that at a minimum up to now. We are of course the only white people the class and sweat about 5 times as much as any of the Koreans. It seems that Koreans are immune to heat- women, particularly the older ones are always fully bundled up and even on beautiful days everyone is wearing a warm winter coat. Anyway we are definitely an oddity in the class.
Work has been pretty uneventful though this Friday we have to have dinner and go bowling with everyone from work. This wouldn't be so bad except that it means we are going out with all the Korean staff none of whom can really speak any English and it is sure to be awkward and not that fun. Next week the parents have been invited to watch us teach for a half hour which should be horrible not only because my classroom is tiny and there isn't any room for parents. Hopefully my kids will become brilliant over the weekend so I make a good impression.
On Saturday Danielle and I are planning on going to Shinsege Department store which is the largest in the entire world! While some of you may assume that this is my mecca it is not. Department stores often overwhelm me with too much choice and they are always way too expensive. Especially here in Korea where there is tons of inexpensive shopping. Whats funny about shopping here is that pretty much every store has a version of the exact same clothes. Koreans all dress the same, luckily I like pretty much all of it. I have heard though that there is delicious food at this department store and we all know how much I like to eat so that should be fun.
Danielle and I also just bought tickets for DJ Fest in Seoul for a few weekends from now. Looks like a big party that would be a rave anywhere else in the world but because we are in Korea will probably not be too crazy.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One for the Pittsburgh Crew

Not quite the Steelers but still impressive in Korea (and no he had no idea where the team was from)

Cherry Bomb

On Sunday Danielle and I took a lovely stroll along the river that runs under the subway right across from our building. Both sides have great walking and biking paths with workout stations (more on those later). We walked down towards the city and after about 30 mins stumbled upon a lovely little Cherry Blossom festival. Lots of people, shoving (Korean are very aggressive particularly the old women), and food.

My street

Even though its under the subway its quite a lovely place to walk. The other direction goes all the way to work!

There was lots of portrait taking on the part of the Koreans. It seems that they have really embraced the whole document every aspect of your life that's hip now. They also all have amazing cameras

You can rent bikes and go along the river way into the city

Downtown direction

Looking back towards home


Chowing down. Always hated what a pain crabs are to eat. Thats why I like them conveniently formed into crab cakes.

The cherry blossoms are pretty hard to beat

Corn and mussels. yum.

Bugs and snail-y things. gross.

Yummy chicken (only $7 apparently too bad I had no money)

Not the most sanitary conditions

Everything in bulk of course


Some weird food that all the kids were eating. Pretty much looks like fried air like a lot of their snacks

No idea what these are but I must say that Koreans eat some pretty weird things that I do not plan on sampling

Like whatever this is. I can barely look at this picture without wanting to gag. Hope you all enjoy it.

Lots of people and lots of cherry blossoms

Way too crowded for me but the trees were amazing

All the old ladies wearing their visors. Also, this picture doesn't quite capture it but whenever you see old ladies here they are either dressed in a track suit or full on hiking gear, wearing a visor, often wearing a face mask and of course gloves. It seems that Koreans do not like to be exposed to the sun for fear of becoming tan. In fact a man pointed and laughed at my feet in flip flops because apparently that is just sooooo shocking on a warm spring day.

Instant lawsuit in the US and actually kinda scary to cross with a bunch of pushy Koreans.

Sleepy Koreans

Koreans seem to be able to sleep anywhere. They also seem to particularly enjoy the subway as a nap spot.
Here's Danielle being napped on

Friday, April 8, 2011

Radioactive Rain and Yellow Wind

So on Wednesday it rained and apparently the rain was radioactive. Pretty much ever Korean had their umbrella up (even when it was barely raining) and were wearing those charming face masks. Schools were even closed, especially around Seoul. It seems that this is mostly just the Koreans being super sensitive- a trend that is becoming more and more apparent. Pretty much it seems that they are paranoid and go to the hospital/wear their masks at the slightest cough or sneeze. A punch of wimps if you ask me.
What is terrifying though is that the yellow wind is supposed to be passing through Busan today or tomorrow and I am scarred to go outside- though it looks gorgeous from my lofty (I'm in my loft) perch. Anyway I guess winds pick up sand from the Gobi desert, blow it across Beijing where it picks up a shit ton of pollution and then sends it over Korea. I guess it only lasts for a day or two but can be really bad- it makes the air/wind look yellow. A co-worker said that his first year here it gave him a horrible sour throat. So definitely wearing a scarf- I refuse t every where one of those stupid masks! In other news here are some more photos of my students and their pencil cases. Everyone has one and most of them say ridiculous things in english on them. 
Trust your Impulses and Follow Your Instincts- great advice

I'm so sorry that I tore your heart apart last night. Yeah my bad.

This ones just cute (though a bit dirty)

Hard at work


Annie- super smart

Jenny really likes Hello Kitty


So things have been a bit stressful at work this past week and will probably continue that way for the next two weeks. Apparently these super important tests for the middle school students are coming up and so a lot of kids are going to be missing classes. This means that we have to work on a few Saturdays for make up classes (like today) but that we will also have some canceled classes. What is stressful about this situation is that it is completely disorganized. I didn't know until about 4 yesterday (right about the time when I start teaching for the day) what class I would be teaching today and the answer sheets hadn't been put online yet. Luckily I don't have to teach until 2:30 so I had time this morning to prep. Other teachers had to go in at 10 and had to get up early/stay up late to prepare. It seems that this is the way Koreans operate and it drives me crazy. Dealing with all this confusing and changing information is just a pain in the ass and though I am looking forward to some canceled classes it really doesn't seem worth all the stress (and the working on Saturdays).
Beyond that we have some workplace drama which makes me feel like I am in middle school. There are five of us teachers, one of which is the Head Instructor (Jen). All of us get along except for this one girl who is just the worst. She is the most negative and seemingly deeply unhappy person I have ever met and is not pleasant to be around. She also has the maturity of a five year old. Anyway she has caused some super childish drama which no one wants to deal with, especially at this time. What really shocks me is that next week she is going on vacation to- wait for it- get married. She is going to China to marry her Chinese boyfriend. I have yet to hear her say anything about the upcoming wedding, like maybe, "I'm so excited to be marrying the love of my life" or even just, "I'm looking forward to vacation". Anyway a super depression person in general and I can't imagine her getting married with such a negative defeatist attitude but at least she will be away for the next week and the rest of us can have fun.
Its quite a new experience to have workplace drama in a place I am committed to for more than a few months. I hated the store I worked in in Nantucket but it was easy enough to quit and get a new job/just not really care because it was just a summer job. But it sucks to know that I will be working with this girl for the rest of the year practically every day. Luckily she is in the minority and everyone else is great! Also, its spring and getting warm so things can't get too bad.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Golbi (Korean BBQ)

Went to lunch with a couple that we had done training with and who are working nearby for some delicious Korean BBQ:

I guess a lot of the places use gas grills but this place stuck with the traditional hot coals

So much food came with the meal (as usual) and we each only spent $12

No idea what this was but it was delicious (of course smothered in red chili paste)

Kimchi soup- super spicy but delicious

The best part of the meal of course: meat

More meat: marinated beef that was unreal

Each of those "steaks" or wahtever were just $13

Cherry Blossoms!

So it is officially spring and the cherry blossoms are in bloom everywhere and people are selling delicious strawberries on the street
Cloudy day at the beach

Delicious street strawberries. They give them to you in these plastic bowls, not sure if you are expected the return them (chances are I wont as I am need of any kind of dish)

Interesting discovery: Danielle thinks strawberries taste weird when they are warm/room temperature while I think they taste best this way. I believe this is because she has never tasted freshly picked strawberries warm form the sun- about a million times more delicious than anything else. Fresh everything for picking is just another wonderful part of Vermont that I never realized many people missed.


Cherry blossoms! A tree right outside of my building. I was hoping for some photos on a lovely spring day but it was raining most of yesterday.

The whole flowering tree thing has really blown Danielle's mind as she has never seen one and did not realize that after the petals fell of they turn into real trees! Not quite as mind-blowing for me but still pretty.