Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cherry Bomb

On Sunday Danielle and I took a lovely stroll along the river that runs under the subway right across from our building. Both sides have great walking and biking paths with workout stations (more on those later). We walked down towards the city and after about 30 mins stumbled upon a lovely little Cherry Blossom festival. Lots of people, shoving (Korean are very aggressive particularly the old women), and food.

My street

Even though its under the subway its quite a lovely place to walk. The other direction goes all the way to work!

There was lots of portrait taking on the part of the Koreans. It seems that they have really embraced the whole document every aspect of your life that's hip now. They also all have amazing cameras

You can rent bikes and go along the river way into the city

Downtown direction

Looking back towards home


Chowing down. Always hated what a pain crabs are to eat. Thats why I like them conveniently formed into crab cakes.

The cherry blossoms are pretty hard to beat

Corn and mussels. yum.

Bugs and snail-y things. gross.

Yummy chicken (only $7 apparently too bad I had no money)

Not the most sanitary conditions

Everything in bulk of course


Some weird food that all the kids were eating. Pretty much looks like fried air like a lot of their snacks

No idea what these are but I must say that Koreans eat some pretty weird things that I do not plan on sampling

Like whatever this is. I can barely look at this picture without wanting to gag. Hope you all enjoy it.

Lots of people and lots of cherry blossoms

Way too crowded for me but the trees were amazing

All the old ladies wearing their visors. Also, this picture doesn't quite capture it but whenever you see old ladies here they are either dressed in a track suit or full on hiking gear, wearing a visor, often wearing a face mask and of course gloves. It seems that Koreans do not like to be exposed to the sun for fear of becoming tan. In fact a man pointed and laughed at my feet in flip flops because apparently that is just sooooo shocking on a warm spring day.

Instant lawsuit in the US and actually kinda scary to cross with a bunch of pushy Koreans.

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