Friday, April 8, 2011


So things have been a bit stressful at work this past week and will probably continue that way for the next two weeks. Apparently these super important tests for the middle school students are coming up and so a lot of kids are going to be missing classes. This means that we have to work on a few Saturdays for make up classes (like today) but that we will also have some canceled classes. What is stressful about this situation is that it is completely disorganized. I didn't know until about 4 yesterday (right about the time when I start teaching for the day) what class I would be teaching today and the answer sheets hadn't been put online yet. Luckily I don't have to teach until 2:30 so I had time this morning to prep. Other teachers had to go in at 10 and had to get up early/stay up late to prepare. It seems that this is the way Koreans operate and it drives me crazy. Dealing with all this confusing and changing information is just a pain in the ass and though I am looking forward to some canceled classes it really doesn't seem worth all the stress (and the working on Saturdays).
Beyond that we have some workplace drama which makes me feel like I am in middle school. There are five of us teachers, one of which is the Head Instructor (Jen). All of us get along except for this one girl who is just the worst. She is the most negative and seemingly deeply unhappy person I have ever met and is not pleasant to be around. She also has the maturity of a five year old. Anyway she has caused some super childish drama which no one wants to deal with, especially at this time. What really shocks me is that next week she is going on vacation to- wait for it- get married. She is going to China to marry her Chinese boyfriend. I have yet to hear her say anything about the upcoming wedding, like maybe, "I'm so excited to be marrying the love of my life" or even just, "I'm looking forward to vacation". Anyway a super depression person in general and I can't imagine her getting married with such a negative defeatist attitude but at least she will be away for the next week and the rest of us can have fun.
Its quite a new experience to have workplace drama in a place I am committed to for more than a few months. I hated the store I worked in in Nantucket but it was easy enough to quit and get a new job/just not really care because it was just a summer job. But it sucks to know that I will be working with this girl for the rest of the year practically every day. Luckily she is in the minority and everyone else is great! Also, its spring and getting warm so things can't get too bad.

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